Constraining Type Parameters

As this chapter illustrates, any generic item has at least one type parameter that you need to specify at the time you interact with the generic type or member. This alone allows you to build some type safe code; however, the .NET platform allows you to use the where keyword to get extremely specific about what a given type parameter must look like.

Using this keyword, you can add a set of constraints to a given type parameter, which the C# compiler will check at compile time. Specifically, you can constrain a type parameter as described in Table 10-6.

Table 10-6. Possible Constraints for Generic Type Parameters

Generic Constraint Meaning in Life
where T : struct The type parameter <T> must have System.ValueType in its chain of inheritance; in other words, <T> must be a structure.
where T : class The type parameter <T> must not have System.ValueType in its chain of inheritance (e.g., <T> must be a reference type).
where T : new() The type parameter <T> must have a default constructor. This is helpful if your generic type must create an instance of the type parameter because you cannot assume you know the format of custom constructors. Note that this constraint must be listed last on a multiconstrained type.
where T : NameOfBaseClass The type parameter <T> must be derived from the class specified by NameOfBaseClass.
where T : NameOfInterface The type parameter <T> must implement the interface specified by NameOfInterface. You can separate multiple interfaces as a comma-delimited list.

Unless you need to build some extremely type safe custom collections, you might never need to use the where keyword in your C# projects.

Examples Using the where Keyword

Begin by assuming that you have created a custom generic class, and you want to ensure that the type parameter has a default constructor. This could be useful when the custom generic class needs to create instances of the T because the default constructor is the only constructor that is potentially common to all types. Also, constraining T in this way lets you get compile-time checking; if T is a reference type, then programmer remembered to redefine the default in the class definition (you might recall that the default constructor is removed in classes when you define your own):

// MyGenericClass derives from object, while
// contained items must have a default ctor.
public class MyGenericClass<T> where T : new()

Notice that the where clause specifies which type parameter is being constrained, followed by a colon operator. After the colon operator, you list each possible constraint (in this case, a default constructor). Here is another example:

// MyGenericClass derives from object, while
// contained items must be a class implementing IDrawable
// and must support a default ctor.
public class MyGenericClass<T> where T : class, IDrawable, new()

In this case, T has three requirements. It must be a reference type (not a structure), as marked with the class token. Second, T must implement the IDrawable interface. Third, it must also have a default constructor. Multiple constraints are listed in a comma-delimited list; however, you should be aware that the new() constraint must always be listed last! Thus, the following code will not compile:

// Error! new() constraint must be listed last!
public class MyGenericClass<T> where T : new(), class, IDrawable

If you ever create a custom generic collection class that specifies multiple type parameters, you can specify a unique set of constraints for each, using separate where clauses:

// <K> must extend SomeBaseClass and have a default ctor,
// while <T> must be a structure and implement the
// generic IComparable interface.
public class MyGenericClass<K, T> where K : SomeBaseClass, new()
    where T : struct, IComparable<T>

You will rarely encounter cases where you need to build a complete custom generic collection class; however, you can use the where keyword on generic methods, as well. For example, if you want to specify that your generic Swap<T>() method can only operate on structures, you would update the method like this:

// This method will swap any structure, but not classes.
static void Swap<T>(ref T a, ref T b) where T : struct

Note that if you were to constrain the Swap() method in this manner, you would no longer be able to swap string objects (as is shown in the sample code) because string is a reference type.

The Lack of Operator Constraints

I want to make one more comment on generic methods and constraints as this chapter draws to a close. When you create generic methods, it might come as a surprise to you that it causes a compiler error if you apply any C# operators (+, -, *, ==, etc.) on the type parameters. For example, imagine the usefulness of a class that can Add(), Subtract(), Multiply(), and Divide() generic types:

// Compiler error! Cannot apply
// operators to type parameters!
public class BasicMath<T>
    public T Add(T arg1, T arg2)
    { return arg1 + arg2; }
    public T Subtract(T arg1, T arg2)
    { return arg1 - arg2; }
    public T Multiply(T arg1, T arg2)
    { return arg1 * arg2; }
    public T Divide(T arg1, T arg2)
    { return arg1 / arg2; }

Unfortunately, the preceding BasicMath class will not compile. While this might seem like a major restriction, you need to remember that generics are generic. Of course, the numerical data can work just fine with the binary operators of C#. However, for the sake of argument, if <T> were a custom class or structure type, the compiler could assume the class supports the +, -, *, and / operators. Ideally, C# would allow a generic type to be constrained by supported operators, as in this example:

// Illustrative code only!
public class BasicMath<T> where T : operator +, operator -,
    operator *, operator /
    public T Add(T arg1, T arg2)
    { return arg1 + arg2; }
    public T Subtract(T arg1, T arg2)
    { return arg1 - arg2; }
    public T Multiply(T arg1, T arg2)
    { return arg1 * arg2; }
    public T Divide(T arg1, T arg2)
    { return arg1 / arg2; }

Alas, operator constraints are not supported under the current version of C#. However, it is possible (albeit it requires a bit more work) to achieve the desired effect by defining an interface that supports these operators (C# interfaces can define operators!) and then specify an interface constraint of the generic class. In any case, this wraps up this book’s initial look at building custom generic types. In the next chapter, you will pick up the topic of generics once again in the course of examining the .NET delegate type.